Wednesday, November 27, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 27 -END-

That's right. I just hit 50k! I am done with NaNo. But I am not done writing my novel as I still have a few chapters left. I am almost done and see the finish line. Everything is wrapping up and I'm very excited to write the ending scene. This novel has really woken me back up. I've learned a lot from writing it and I am 100% sure that this one will be a keeper. Just because NaNo is over doesn't mean I will stop writing 1,667 words per day. You see, having a word count to do daily has really helped me keep on track with my novel. I normally write about 1,000-2,000 per day without a word goal but wind up skipping days so I fall behind and it winds up taking me about six months to finish a novel. Not any more. I am not allowing myself to fall behind and ignore my work.

From Afar is a very interesting novel so far. I find myself interested when I read over it looking for things to edit. So that's a good sign. My goal is to finish within a week or two and then start editing and revising. Which could take me anywhere from a week to three. It depends on how often my fiance can help me. IT's always good to have someone else read over your work. Especially if you are like me and have bad eye sight. I can easily overlook mistakes. But all authors do that.

I am hoping by the end of December to start sending out query letters. If I have my query letter and synopsis written up by then and I am pleased with how the editing went. I'll finally have time to dig deeper into all the writing books my fiance got me during our last visit to Powells.

This adventure has been amazing. I'm very proud of my novel and am more than willing to stand behind it 100%. I would post a little sneak peek of my novel here but not that many people read my blog so I don't see a point in it. Maybe someday.

Date: November 27th
Time:11:00 P.M
Word count: 50,015
Pages: 169

Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 25, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 25

Only 4,000 words left go until I'm finished with NaNo. I will not be done at 50k. As I'm currently aiming towards a 60-70k word goal. It's almost done. I can see the finish line. Or the first finish line. As I need to edit then start writing up a query letter and a synopsis.  So there is still a lot to do. I did write a very important and emotional scene the other day and I think anyone who reads it will really enjoy the passion I've put into this novel. There is something different about writing this one than my others. I think its because I've put my soul into it. There is a lot this novel can do for me. So I wanted to return the favor and try my hardest.

Sorry for the short post but I need to get ready for my long day of sewing. Thank you everyone who reads my blog.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 23

I'm finding myself really distracted today. Not sure why. It could be the rum upstairs or the fact its Doctor Who's 50th anniversary and I really want to see the new special. Or maybe I have a lot of other things on my mind. Like finding the perfect shade of green fabric for my cosplay. Or the fact I stopped sewing early today to write then spent an hour just roaming the web. I'm not sure. But I am very distracted. Which is why I'm writing this post because I am once again distracting myself.

I must be tired. But that isn't an excuse not to write. So I'm trying to focus all my attention on writing. Last night I outlined the major events that are to come in the next chapters. I am super excited to write them as they some of the scenes I have been looking forward to writing since I started plotting this novel.

At this point I don't feel very a part of NaNo. I update my word count everyday and am caught up to where I should be. I'm almost to 50k for goodness sake. But I'm finding myself uninterested in the forums and don't know any other writers my age who I could talk to. So it's been a boring run this year. I do love the prizes and its a great way to get my butt in gear with this novel so I can't complain. I have done a lot in a little time so I'm happy I did it this year.

I recently let my fiance read my novel. And he's hard to get to read something in less he really enjoys it. And it hooked him within the first three pages. So I hope that is a good sign that other people would be interested in it too.

So now I need to go write or I'm going to be behind tomorrow.

See you next time.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 20

Nano is almost over. I'm almost at 40k. And tonight I think I might just go ahead and aim for 40k. I'm at 37k so I'm not too far from it. Only 2,000 words. I've written 5k in one night so I think I can do if I pay close attention and do some quick out lining. I'm trying for this tonight because I'm behind on sewing and I really need to get caught up on sewing if I want to make two very complex cosplays before April. So I have to find a way to balance finishing NaNo and making costumes.

In case you are competently lost, cosplay is a huge part of my fiance and I's life. It's very fun and challenges my creativity. Also inspires me for my writing. So I'm hoping to get everything back on track. I still cannot get over how much I love this novel. The characters are sticking with me. I'm always thinking about what I can do next. And my biggest support, my fiance is also enjoying it. He's learning German right now so he's helping me learn some while I write. This is amazing because the folklore and main characters are from Germany. So it has made this experience even better.

So wish me luck. I'll be needing a lot of it if I want to reach 40k tonight. And I hope everyone who is also in NaNoWriMo is doing just as good.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 19

I'm currently reading How not to write bad by Ben Yagoda. And this book is amazing. It's very helpful and I feel as if I will learn a lot by the time I finish with it. Which is what my goal was. So I feel getting this book was a great choice. It's very helpful. A lot of the problems I know about and some I'll admit I do but usually catch myself. I'm more than half way done with the novel. In the novel he explains multitasking can lead to "mindless writing" which has been my problem. I like to watch TV shows and listen to music or even randomly go online and look at the news or go on Facebook. So I'm guilty of mindless writing. He wrote music can also lead to mindless writing. which caught me off guard I love listening to music and I know a few other authors who listen to music. But I'm willing to try everything once. So tonight I'm going to try and cut myself off from everything and just focus on writing. Hopefully it goes well. If it does I won't listen to music or watch TV or anything while writing.

My novel is currently at 35k.

Sorry for another short post but I really need to go write. It's already 9:36 P.M. So thanks for reading!

Monday, November 18, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 18

Bet you can't guess where we went today. Powells! The city of books. My goal was to find books that can help me improving my writing and help me for when I'm ready to send out query letters. So these were my picks this trip.

How to not write bad. The most common writing problems and the best ways to avoid them.- Ben Yagoda
3 A.M. Epiphany. Uncommmon writing exercises- Brian Kiteley
The kick-ass writer-Chuck Wendig
2014 Children's writer's & illustrator's market- Writer's Digest Books
Grammar desk reference- Gary Lutz & Diane Stevenson

I am so happy that I found 3 A.M. Epiphany. I was researching last night for books to help me and that was one of them that I found. The others were not in the store but I did find some great books that surely will help me improve my writing and give my the confidence I need to move forward with my career.

I can't go to college. I have no money. No job. No way I can go to college. So this is my way to improve myself. I joke about how this is my school. I'm my best teacher. If I can't learn in a classroom then I will make my own classroom. The best part is it costs under $100. Take that world. You gave me a lemon and I popped it into my mouth and sucked on it.

In other news my novel is doing okay. I'm at  33,611 words and am at 115 pages. Not too bad. It's only the second week. I am hoping to do a crazy writing fest again this weekend to get myself into the 40k range. I finally got my bias tape maker so now I have to start sewing I have to make time to sew and look for work while reading these awesome books and writing my word count per day. It's a lot but I'm finding out that the more busy I am the better. My depression isn't so bad and my anxiety doesn't flare up. So I'm happy with having all this stuff to do. Tonight I am going to write for tomorrow's word count and start reading How to not write bad by Ben Yagoda. Since this book is tiny and I can read it within a few hours I thought I'd start light.

Wow. That was a big post. I'm happy I'm no longer writing small posts. That's it for now. I need to go write my arse off. Thank you so much for reading.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 17

Hello all! It's November 17th. Its hard to believe this month is half way over. I feel like it's just begun. NaNo is going by so quickly this year. Last year it felt as if it would last forever. Maybe its because I'm truly enjoying writing my novel this time around. Like I said before I'm really enjoying it. I'm just enjoying it so much. I will not be finished writing it this month although I will hit 50k by the end of the month. I believe it said the 27th is when I should hit that word goal to win NaNo. I aim towards 60k-70k. So I'll be finished next month. Which gives me just enough time to edit and reverse before a contest in January that I plan on entering my novel in. As well as start writing my query letter and synopsis.  So there is a lot to do within the upcoming month.

And I'm still looking for a job. Since the interview I went to a few weeks ago was a bust and like every other close chance of getting a good job, it slipped out from my reach and they never bothered contacting me. I'm getting really sick of it. Its so hard thinking about next year. This novel is my life line. Its a my only hope. I don't want to turn 22 next year and still be in this rut. I can only hope it does well. I have a lot on the line. And can only try my hardest, improve and get better at writing. I'm never giving up. Writing is by far too fun. I can see myself doing it for the rest of my life. I just hope I can get paid for doing so. Life would be so much easier.

Thanks for reading. Sorry about the rant.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 16

I hit 30k last night! As well as 100 pages. I could not stop writing. I really got into the story and just kept at it until 3 AM. I decided to add in the extra thousand word count for NaNo get to me a bit more ahead. I'm really happy with this novel. And i know I say that every time but I am. I was starting to doubt myself, my writing skills and if my writing had lost its luster. But once I accepted that I needed to try harder and need some work, all those thoughts went away and writing became easier. It just flowed right out from my mind onto my word doc. It was nice to finally let go of all that stress and just write. Even today I'm finding it very easy to get lost and just write.

Although right now I'm going to take a break, play some Don't Starve and relax for a few hours before starting to write again. When I play video games I always have a notebook on hand because when I'm letting myself relax I find new scenes often pop into my mind or conversations. So I make sure I can write them down in case I decided to write them into my novel later on.

Over all so far, it's only week two, I'm very pleased with how my novel is going and how well I've kept up with writing everyday. I think after this is done I will keep doing this. Not only does it keep my creativity working and in check but I love the escape writing a novel gives me. I have high hopes for this novel. The best out come would be to find an agent and get published. Maybe 2014 will be my year. Who knows. Right now all I'm going to do is try my very best to get this story written as I saw it in my head.

I hope you are having much success with NaNo is you are entered. And if not, I hope you will join us next year. It's never too late to write a novel. Go buy yourself a notebook. Start filling that with stories or ideas. Go from there. Start small. You don't need to do it with the thought of getting published. Do it for fun and I promise you, you won't be sorry.

Thank you for reading!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 14

Almost to my 100th page! I am so happy. I just finished up with the third chapter and now am on the fourth, back to the main character's POV. Right now I am sitting at 26k. Almost 30k! I will need to get to 27k tonight to finish off tomorrow's word count. Although I really want to stop and go play Don't Starve. I may stop at twelve and force myself to do most of the work tomorrow. I'm quite proud of myself that I haven't given up and skipped a day or two yet. Hopefully I don't and keep strong. I will not be finishing at 50k. My goal is more of 70k.

So once again, another short post. There isn't much to say when I post everyday. Which sucks but I normally remember to write up a post when I am dead tired. So this is for today. Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 13

Wow. This is the first time in a while that I've popped open my novel's word doc and started writing without worrying about word count or anything, I opened it to write. Because I want to write! I'm so happy. Normally I drag my feet but I'm really excited about this novel. I'm in the third chapter now. Each chapter is quite long but since I've switched it up and brought in another character's view the chapters will no longer be named. So if there is a short number of chapter I'm okay with it.

I have been thinking about the length I want to end with. I'm thinking around 60-70k. It will not be as long as the novel I had recently finished before this one. I have high hopes for this novel. Because I'm enjoying it. Even through my first novel is very dear to my heart, I'm enjoying writing this one more. My passion is back which means now I need to start working on my range of words. I'm not fortunate enough to be able to go to school for writing so I have to teach myself. Which isn't hard to do with the internet. I need to start buckling down and using all my writing books. So I think I'll try and read them one hour per day whether its at night or not. When I read my books I always make sure to take notes. It really helps me remember what I've read. It also helps me stay on track and put what I've learned to use.

So I really need to start doing that again. It'll be one of my goals while writing this novel. My goals right now are..

  • Learn a new word to replace a word I use too often
  • Learn a new word per day
  • Read an hour per day (Novel help novels.)

So thanks everyone for reading. I hope this post is a bit more interesting than my last ones. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 12

I totally forgot about posting yesterday! I've been writing everyday, getting the word goal each day without being a little short or not posting at all. So at least I've been doing that. Last night I was thinking that there needed to be another view, another voice in the novel so every two chapters I'm going to be adding in the main character's sister's point of view. Since she's a huge part of the plot I think adding her POV would make things more interesting.

That is really the only big news from yesterday. Today I logged in my daily word count and have been busy ever since. So I'm going to sit down with a drink and some goldfish and write in a bit. Hopefully to get my word goal for tomorrow done and maybe a bit more. I'd like to be at 30k soon. Which I'm not too far from. I'm at 22k right now.

So not much new today. I'll try and keep updating everyday. Thank you for reading!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 10

20k here we come! I am one 1k away from hitting my weekend goal. I'm very pleased. I was super busy yesterday and didn't get much done. And even through it was cold last night and my fingers were stiff as boards I still managed to get today's word count finished. I'm going to take a small break right now so I can watch some Cops and maybe go work on modifying a pattern. I still have a bit of work to do in order to get to 20k but I have been writing nonstop since last night (Yes I did sleep.) and I need a small break to clear my head and allow the creative process to flow once more.

Again, I am sorry for such a short post. But there isn't much to talk about and I am really hungry. So ta-ta for now! Thank you so much for reading.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 9

Just noticed how lazy I became and how I started just typing in a number rather than spelling it. Oh well. Its freezing cold down here, I have a lot of writing to do before tomorrow and I don't really have anything interesting to say so this post will be short and very boring. I'm been writing little bits throughout the day. I have been pretty busy today so a lot hasn't been done. I really wanted to get to 20k this weekend but if its cold again tomorrow I may not get a lot of writing done. When its cold my fingers become stiff and wearing my fingerless gloves makes it hard to write. I have a genetic condition which my dad has too where our fingers and toes curls and bend odd. My fingers are thin and curved. The joints have been affected by it, so I'm guessing its the cause of the stiffness in my fingers when its too cold or if I've been typing fast for a long period of time.

Its a pain in the butt but its not something that can be fixed so I just got to push on. Our downstairs basement windows are old and leak like crazy which does not help. My dad will be fixing that issues soon by sealing the windows. So that will help big time when winter rolls around. For now its very cold because of the air leaking inside. My computer is set up right under those leaky windows. Its not fun. But enough of complaining the novel is doing well. I'm focused and am enjoying the characters and plot. No seconds thoughts at all. I'm highly motivated and eager to write this story.

That's it for now. Short I know. Boring, yes. But there wasn't much done today. I haven't hit my first milestone so I can't really say much. But some days are like this. It's not all exciting. Slow days happen to. That's life for you.

Thanks for reading!  

Friday, November 8, 2013

NaNoWriMo 8

Its day eight! For some reason I'm finding it hard to believe its still only week one. I'm now into the 15k range. Today is Friday! That means it is time to start reaching towards my weekend goal of 20k. I'll be needing lots of coffee to fuel my writing binge. I'll be super busy so my posts may be super short like this one will be. Since I'm already a head (I posted 2k again today.) So I'm very close to getting to my goal. I just need to sit down and work on it. Which is challenging today. I'm waiting for a package which I have to sign for, got to start working on some examples for a costumes I'm making and finish beading.

So I better go start writing because there is a lot to do today.

Sorry the post is so short. But I'll make sure there is more on the next one. Although it may not be a lot more. So thank you for reading today!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 7

Another late post. I'm slowly writing tomorrow's word count out. I'm thinking more about tomorrow than writing right now which of course is distracting but I can't help it. I have a package coming tomorrow. So I will admit I am scattered brained right now. I have beading to do and other cosplay stuff to do. So I suppose my focus is not settled on my novel right now. But I am still loving this novel, the characters and the plot. I'm finding myself thinking about it daily.

What would my character do if he were faced with this situation?

What if this happens to ___ ?

This would make sense if this happened right after this.

It keeps going. I love getting excited about a novel. It helps me want to write it more. So I'm glad I'm feeling this way. Right now I am almost at my goal for tomorrow which will put me into the 15k range. I'm almost to 20k!!! And it's still only week one!

So this weekend I am putting all my focus onto my novel. My own personal write in. My goal is to get to 20k by Monday. I'm 100% I'll go over that which is even better. This way I'll be ahead of the daily 1,667 word goal per day and can be caught up for a few days. Just in case I do get a call for a second job interview next week.

I'm going to go write now. Thank you so much for reading!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NaNoWriMo day six

And you thought I wouldn't post a day six post, huh? I've just been busy. I have cosplay on the brain. So I don't have much to talk about today. But I decided I need to post once everyday to just share my thoughts and feelings. I made the silly mistake of posting my word count for tomorrow today so I wrote more than 2,000 words today. Oops. I don't mind really. I only post a 1,667 words to my word count so if I cannot write one day I have an extra 1,667 to post for that day instead of not posting at all. I need to get to 13,526 words in order to post 1,667 words  for tomorrow. I'm at 12,819 right now and its 9:57 PM. So I have lots of time. I just got to a very important part and am now in the second chapter so I'm sure I'll get to my goal tonight.

My first two chapters are called...

One: Always the Same
Two:Making an effort

Not sure what the third or even the rest will be called. I make them up as I go, changing them when I please. I like having chapter names. Gives a clue to the reader as to what's to come. When I walk into a bookstore and decide I want a book I have never read before without researching it before hand I check two things. I read the synopsis and the chapter names if the book has them. I think more novels should have them. Its sort of my thing. Helps me get excited about the novel, gives me clues as what might happen next. They are helpful.

The first chapter name I decided on because of the line “I thought it would be different here. But it’s the same. I feel the same. No matter where I go it will always be the same. Just like the rain.” Its an important line for the main character and one of my favorites. So I named the chapter after it.

Making an effort is not really a clue. It's more about the struggles of the main character as he's trying to fit in, open up and make an effort befriending other students. He's going outside his comfort zone, trying to be a normal student. 

Before I go to write another one of my favorite lines I wrote today is... 

"Once it chooses its prey, it will never go away"

Thank you so much for reading!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day Five

Last night I was a writing machine. 9k to 10k then 11k. I could not stop. I was in the writing mood and no one would stop me. I had written today's word count and tomorrows. Not bad. I enjoyed my writing session and realized I do write much better when I put on music and let myself get carried away. The words would not stop. I was really happy to be writing nonstop. I did, however finally stop around 2 in the morning. I am beat. I decided to spend my morning watching The Paradise. I must finish season one. Its a wonderful show. And its been making me think about which novel I want to write next.

I like being one step ahead of myself. I am torn between a Urban Fantasy and a fantasy YA novel. Obviously the novel I am writing now is more of a Urban Fantasy. I now need to think do I want to write another? Or try something new and finally write my fantasy novel? The fantasy needs a lot of tweaking while the Urban is already fully plotted with characters that have been polished and is ready to go. I'm really torn between the two. I may not have to worry it about it now but its always good to plan ahead.

On day five I am caught up and hopefully I will finish on the 27-28th. Maybe after a few more late night writing sessions I may finish much earlier. That would be great. More time to edit. There is a lot to do but I'm feeling really good about this novel. Much better than I have about any other I've written.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, November 4, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day Four

Holy cow Batman, I almost forgot to post a blog today. My fiance and I went out today so I've been away from my computer most of the day and totally forgot until now about posting. So this will be a short and to the point post as its very cold and my fingers are becoming stiff AND I still have to start writing tomorrow's word count. I got my finger-less gloves on but that only makes it harder to type. I had a ton of fun today and enjoyed every single minute of it. Going out always makes me want to write more so I'm going skip watching The Paradise (I love BBC dramas!) and open a tab with GrooveShark to get some good music playing while I work.

Since I'm on the topic of music I might as well as talk about what I like to listen to while writing my novel. From Afar has a lot of emotion to it so I like listening to songs that have meaning with beautiful vocals that inspire me. GrooveShark is an awesome site because you can make your own playlists. I have about four right now. Each for one of my novels. I just made one for From Afar and this is what songs I have so far.

The Curse- Agnes Obel
Words are Dead- Agnes Obel
Submission- Delphic
Fear and Loathing- Marina and the Diamonds
Unlike Me- Kate Havnevik

Agnes Obel, Delphic, Marina and the Diamonds and Kate Havnevik are all artists who have very emotional songs that all meaning. I'll admit Marina and the Diamonds is my favorite to listen to right now so of course I had to include a few songs that I thought were meaningful to this novel. Such as Numb by Marina and The Diamonds, which I just added to the list. That song hits home with me and I think it would be familiar to the main character as well.

I have some other songs that I like to listen while writing because they are awesome. They don't always have to have meaning. Some times I just like the beat. Some of the songs I listen to a lot are...

Northern Lights- 30 Seconds to Mars
Four Things- The Romanovs
Come into my head- Kimbra

And many others. That's it for now. I would love to go on and on about music but I really need to start writing. Its already 11:21 PM. So thank you for reading.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

NaNoWriMo day three

                                                                       My profile

As you can see from the screenshot I posted above I am right on track. If keep writing the speed which I am I will finish on November 27th. Not bad. I want to do better. I'm really enjoying writing this novel but I do get terribly distracted throughout the day which makes me be very slow. I'm really looking forward to the ten free ebooks we get if we finish our novels at the end of the month so I'm really trying my hardest this year. Those ebooks will be about writing and publishing. So any free resource I can get my hands on is only going to help me improve even more.

My goal is to finish the last week or earlier, edit during the month of December then enter the Amazon novel contest while sending out query letters. I don't need much editing time. I edit as I write. But I do overlook mistakes just like everyone else. So I have my fiance read over it to see if he can find anything that needs to be changed. It's super helpful having an extra set of eyes.

I was going to talk a bit about my characters today but once again I am just not up for it. I really have the urge to write right now so I'm ending this post short. I won't say I'm writing about this or that on my next post because I have no idea what I will write about.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

NaNoWriMo day 2

I am tired. So I'm starting late today. But that's okay. I don't have anywhere to go or much to do. I suppose I could go upstairs and start modifying the pattern I'm using for the next cosplay I'm making or cut the fabric out. I could play Don't Starve. But instead I feel the need to write. This blog post will be different. I'm going to write a small post throughout the day as I write then publish it at 6 P.M. 

I was going list a bunch of awesome German facts but every time I try to post them in a neat and orderly way the blog decides to go all funky. So instead I'll post the link of the site that I got a of interesting facts from.

I'm going to stop writing now so I can start writing my novel. I'll post another short post in a bit. 

Time: 1:40 PM.

I'm now at 4,032 words. Not bad. I want to get to five or six thousand today though. I won't be taking a break until I hit at least five thousand. I'm almost there. Really, if I hit a thousand per hour I'm perfectly fine with that. It isn't too bad. I could do a lot better but I do have a lot of distractions. And they are tugging at my focus. Normally I like to only play music while writing because TV shows and movies draw my attention away too much and I wind up goofing off. Right now I am listening to Agnes Obel's new album. Its very soothing and calm. I adore her music. This new album is really good. I like artists that keep their same sound, especially if they are good at it. She's one of those few who are really good at what they do and stick with it. Her music helps me become lost in the world that I am writing about. Her songs are emotional which also helps step into the character's shoes and focus on how they would feel during certain events. This will be my last update on this post. I have finished the word goal of 1,667 today but am still going to keep going to at least five thousand maybe six today. 

So thank you for reading. I will keep doing these day by day blog posts for NaNo this entire month. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

NaNoWriMo day one

Day one is almost over. I've been doing pretty good so far. I updated my NaNo account last night with 2,000 words. For me that isn't too bad. I always try to do no lower than the 1,667 word count per day. I would like to start a routine of trying to out do my previous word count.  Although I do not want to be one of those people who rush through it and try to out do everyone. I want my writing to improve and I know when I rush it gets lazy. So I want to try my best and if that means I only get 2,000 a day done. So be it. At least I am taking my time to make sure my writing is improving.

Like I've said before I want to be a career writer. Although it is fun I think about the reader the whole time while writing. Is this part too slow? Does it need more action? Is this realistic and will they relate to it? So I don't care who hits 10,000 tomorrow. Or who finishes first. I don't see NaNo as a race. I see it as a way to get my butt in gear and pump out a certain amount of words each day. It's a very helpful resource for keeping track of your word count. That's why I love it so much.

I think I may write a blog post each day this month in honor of NaNoWriMo. Not only will it give me a great excuse to post on this blog more often but writing here gives me a break from everything else. I can sit down and focus on writing. I can get excited and gush about my novel and how its coming along. It's a lot of fun for me to talk about writing as its a strong passion of mine. I hope by posting everyday someone of you who read this may become inspired and decided to do NaNo too. Whether its this year or next. Whether its a novel or a journey or even a fanfiction. At least you are sitting down and writing. 

Tomorrow I think I'll write about the German culture that I researched for my novel. 

Thank you for reading!