Monday, December 31, 2012

New year's resolutions

Unlike some I don't care about making my appearance better, such as saying my new year resolution is about growing my hair out, lose weight, buy this or that. No, I am not one of those. I've been thinking long and hard about what I should work on not only to improve myself but my life and my family's life. There has been a lot of bad things happening this year, and I don't mean world events, although there are so many terrible things that have happened. I really want to push myself, to learn more and improve my skills.

So I thought...

"What is most important?"

So my 2013 resolution is....

To focus harder on writing.

  • To improve my skills
  • Finish The Invisible Prince
  • Learn new writing techniques
  • Write a synopsis and query letter
  • Get published? (That'd be my dream but not everything happens right away.)


I do have some smaller resolutions such as

  • Eat healthier 
  • Help more around the house
  • Get a nonseasonal job (With good management) 
  • Get married (Only will happen if I archive the one above)
  • Move out
  • Learn how to use a sewing machine 

So what are some of yours? Are they wishes? Dreams? Or maybe something just to better yourself. Whatever it may be I hope you find a way next year to finish your goals. It's important to never give up even if things get bad. 

Now I'm going to go watch the snow since it rarely snows where I'm at and I rather enjoy watching my animals reactions to it. Ta-ta for now.

Happy new years!!!!!


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