Thursday, September 26, 2013

70,000 mark

Wow. Just a few weeks ago I thought about stopping this novel. But I pushed through it and kept going and now I have to say I'm glad I kept going. I'm enjoying it. I only have 10,000 left to write. Or until I cram the last few important bits in. I would say no more than 20k. I'm glad to be ending this novel on a good note. I am excited to move on to my next project which i am trying to figure out if I will be writing it in first or third. It will be my fourth novel. I'm in love with the plot. It's nothing like anything I have ever read about. And believe me when I say I have read a LOT of young adult novels.

My plan is the same.

~Finish writing novel within a week or two
~Edit and reverse throughout the month of October
~Start research for fourth novel (looking forward to research German culture!)
~Start on fourth novel
~Enter fourth novel into NaNoWriMo

I think I'll go write some more tonight. Although I do feel very stressed I'm excited to finish the novel. That alone is pushing me forward and giving the strength to finish. I have a lot of research to do as well as reading some of my writing books so I can improve. So lots to do!

Thanks for reading!


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