Thursday, September 19, 2013

Almost to 70k!

My novel is rapidly coming to a close. Tomorrow I will reach the 70,000 word mark. Today I was doubting myself. I wanted to stop, giving up and start on my next one. I hadn't felt like this for a long time. I guess I'm nervous. There is a lot I forgot to add, a bit to edit. I'm worried about how it would sell, that it would only target girls. I kept thinking "Is it too girly?" What if this and what if this. Then I snapped out of it and told myself it didn't matter. Finish the novel to prove to yourself that you can. So I won't give up. I won't stop. I'm going to keep trucking alone until this thing is finished, edited and I feel so good about it I feel comfortable enough to start trying to get it published.

It has at least another month of work ahead. Which is fine. I want to take my time and get it to the point I mentioned above. I want to be proud of my work and feel good about it as I send out query letters. I have lots of time before NaNoWriMo and time to edit. So I shouldn't be too worried just yet. And if it takes me until the end of the year to get it to that point, so be it. I'm going to take my time, work hard on improving it.

I am very excited for the next novel I plan on writing. But I can wait. I will finish this novel. I can and will. There is nothing stopping me but myself and I won't allow me to be the one thing that stops my novel from becoming what I know inside it could be.

I feel its important to share my doubts because I know a lot of authors go through the same thing. It may take me a few editing sessions before I am comfortable with the novel. But that's okay. It takes a lot of work to clear out mistakes, add in what has been left out and figure out what needs to be rewritten. I can do this.


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