I have been thinking about the length I want to end with. I'm thinking around 60-70k. It will not be as long as the novel I had recently finished before this one. I have high hopes for this novel. Because I'm enjoying it. Even through my first novel is very dear to my heart, I'm enjoying writing this one more. My passion is back which means now I need to start working on my range of words. I'm not fortunate enough to be able to go to school for writing so I have to teach myself. Which isn't hard to do with the internet. I need to start buckling down and using all my writing books. So I think I'll try and read them one hour per day whether its at night or not. When I read my books I always make sure to take notes. It really helps me remember what I've read. It also helps me stay on track and put what I've learned to use.
So I really need to start doing that again. It'll be one of my goals while writing this novel. My goals right now are..
- Learn a new word to replace a word I use too often
- Learn a new word per day
- Read an hour per day (Novel help novels.)
So thanks everyone for reading. I hope this post is a bit more interesting than my last ones.
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