Saturday, November 26, 2011


So Yesterday on Black Friday I finished up my huge rewrite of my first novel, Promise Me. Instead of 79,088 words and 247 page P.M is now a whooping 106,969 words and 372 pages. This novel was written in third person when I first wrote it and did the first two rewrites. Now it's first person, which changed the feeling and caught the emotions I wanted the reader to feel. I'm very pleased with how it went. I'm a bit worried about the word count but of course, as any agent knows that can easily be changed, nothing is set in stone just yet. I'm very willing to change, because as an author you have to be. The agent/editor knows what will make the novel sell, so it's always good to be ready to change your novel.

Since I'm finished and I'm getting ready for the battle which is finding an agent I decided to write about my progress and share tips about finding your own agent and writing a full length YA novel. Since I have a lot of spare time I'll start this blog right up. Today I'll be rereading and editing the MS (manuscript) just in case I missed some mistakes. Because-- I'm sure you've heard before-- word docs do not catch all mistakes.

I'll be writing this blog like a journal. If you happen to follow it and chime in, please feel free to do so. If I can help and inspire one person that would make my day. So feel free to comment and share how your search is going. You'll find I'm not as scary as I can seem.

Any way. Here is a little list of how I normally do things when it comes to the aftermath of writing a full length novel.

1.Reread, find mistakes.
2.Add/delete unneeded sentences.
3.While doing the two above, start working on query letter.
4.Start researching the latest agencies
5.Make a list of agents that might be interested in my novel
6.Let two other people read my query letter
7.Start on writing a synposis
8.Start sending out query letters
9. Embrace rejection, turn it into something good
10. Find an agent? <--- Haven't gotten this far yet

I'll be posting everyday as I get ready to start sending queries, feel free to ask questions. I love answering them. I'll also be posting quotes that are inspiring as well as songs that help me calm down and write. Just for fun.

Ta-Ta for now


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