Saturday, June 29, 2013

Writing journal 1

Date: 6/28/`3

Word count: 31,467.

Time started: 10:40 P.M

Songs for the night:

Fear and Loathing- Marina And The Diamonds
Just So- Agnes Obel
Sally I can see you- Kimbra
Doubt- Delphic
State of Dreaming- Marina And The Diamonds
Breath Of Life- Florence + The Machine
Paddling Out- Miike Snow
Cult Logic- Miike Snow
Major Tom- Shiny Toy Guns
Lies- Marina And The Diamonds

Time stopped: 1:47 AM

Word count: 34,000

Holy crap! What a long night. Been working on my novel for a few hours. I'm finally getting to a major event in which is the opening for many more major events and boy, is it getting exciting. I've turned off all my shows, movies and silly youtube videos, put on music and have found myself finally getting back into this novel. I'm connecting with the characters, getting lost in the world I'm writing about. It's really coming along well. 

I'll be doing these writing journals each time I write (If I have time.) So I can keep track of my word count. Plus it's something I've been wanting to do but haven't' done yet. So that's all for now. I'm tired as hell and have a lot to do tomorrow. Bye for now!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

New page

All writer's make mistakes when spelling. Hello, that's why some awesome person invented spell check. I'm not afraid to share my mistakes in fact I think by writing them down and sharing them I'll be able to improve myself. So my new page will list words that I have misspelled. I did this back when I was writing my first novel. I wrote down all the words I misspelled or couldn't remember how to spell so I would remember them later on.

My goal of this is to improve and get myself to use my wonderful Thesaurus.  The list will start out small. I'm sure by the time I am finished with my novel that I am currently working on there will be quite a big list.

So check it out.

Curious about the top 100 misspelled words?

Here is a list I found...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

New pages

Moving over my novel info and pages I had on my writing bog to this blog for good. I'm deleting the other blog due to low views and because I use this blog more often and updating two blogs with the same thing is rather annoying. There will be a few new pages on the side. Please enjoy those!

I'll also be posting more reviews, more about my favorite books and authors, and a sneak peek about my novel!

So check back soon! Lots will be uploaded in the next few days!

Current word count: 27,757

Sunday, June 2, 2013

All nighter

My goal for today was 25,000. And as of 2:20 AM I have finally achieved that goal. I don't normally give myself short term goals like this, mainly because it will take me all day (I write in the morning then at night so I can sew and play games with my fiance when he gets off work.) which it did. I'm dead tired, ready to go crawl into bed. But I'm just so excited that the writing bug has finally bit me again. A few weeks ago I couldn't even write three hundred words without becoming bored or over-thinking. I'm glad I somehow managed to get myself back on track. To stick with one novel and focus on improving myself while I work to get the novel done.

I still have a long way to go. My goal would be about 70/80k words at the end. But knowing me that'll grow much larger when I go back in and edit. I'm going slowly, taking my time, trying new things. If I keep going at this pace I should be done by the middle of July. Which would be great! Of course when I mean done, I don't mean "Time to e-mail a bunch of agents!" No, I mean it's time to edit, let someone else read through it, get some options, edit again, start on the query letter and synopsis then edit one last time before sending out some query letters. During the time I'm working on the query letter and synopsis, I wont read the novel. Then  when I'm done and pleased with those I'll read through it, editing as I go. When I do this I normally can catch mistakes and change things I don't like or things that don't sound just right. Maybe add in that last minute detail that could make or break the novel.

I'll keep updating as I go through all these steps. It's a long road. But as the numbers grow I become more involved with this novel. I haven't even wanted to touch my short stories or side projects. And I haven't even thought about changing novels again. I'm not sure what did it. Perhaps it was the drive to to something with my life. Or the lack of jobs available in my area. Whatever it was I'm happy for it. I can now lose myself in the novel. Forget I'm the author writing and instead become the character.

Hopefully things keep going so well. I'll update again once I hit the 30,000 mark.